You may wonder if there are any health benefits from drinking mineral water… The answer is yes there are, but there are also some myths and marketing hypes around this subject. What is mineral water? You may know by now that water is the best solvent in nature – if not, read more about this …
Sea Salt and Water – Is Salt Good, or Bad for Us?

The sea salt (and salt in general) has many benefits to our health, but the combination of salt and water is essential for our life. Together they keep our body hydrated and the vital functions of it working normally. Sea Salt and Water We all know already that our body is 75% water. What maybe not all …
Importance of Drinking Water – You are not sick, You are thirsty

So what is the Importance of Drinking Water? The short answer is: By drinking enough water you maintain a good health and don’t need drugs to keep you pain free, or to temporarily fix a body’s malfunction. For the long answer we have to look first inside our body… Amount of water in the human …