Air Fire Water Earth are four elements that compose all things – states the ancient Greek philosophy… By noticing the balance of the four classical elements we discover the realm of human life… While the fire element stands for the sun and all electric fields around us, Water is the magnet that attracts and receives all energies.
Air Fire Water Earth… and Spirit
A simple experiment:

Take a wooden match, light it and watch: the wood will transform into charcoal and as the flame goes down, underneath you’ll perceive a little bit of water, which will evaporate and transform into hydrogen and oxygen.
That’s it!
- You have just demonstrated what people from ancient cultures discovered: the main elements of life as we know it are: Earth(wood), Fire, Water, and Air. The actual Energy / Consciousness ties them together. – In this case it was your willingness to do the experiment.
This is how, simplistically speaking, thousands of years ago, by reverse reaction, fire energy (sun and electricity) put carbon (C) and water (H2 + O2) together, to give birth to organic (living) matter.

The 5 elements Air Fire Water Earth and Spirit constitute the creation of the material life. They are always acting together in a very precise balance that has to be respected.
Water Element and the Sacred Geometry
The health benefit of water is strongly related to the whole – air fire water earth – system.
We are mostly water, as well as all life on earth. Everything was perfectly designed, but it fits only into the parameters of a perfect balance between all elements.

The Sacred Geometry (The Dimensions of Paradise, as John Michell calls it) – is the architecture of the universe and it describes the relation between the four elements: air fire water earth and the human consciousness…
Do you see any similarity between the water crystal and this image on the left?
Actually this graphical image is a very familiar one: you can find it often in folk art around the world and it’s called “The Flower of Life“. This is a sacred symbol in many cultures, both ancient and modern..
– We can find the hexagon in many forms in nature. For instance: crystals, snowflakes, or cells of a honeycomb. The disposition of the elements in the organic matter, even DNA are also hexagonal.
* The picture on the right is a schematic representation of the chemical reaction of the glucose with water.
The Hexagon

The hexagon can be found in all the building blocks of the universe that we call the Platonic Solids. The star tetrahedron or “Merkaba”, contains two interlocking tetrahedron pyramids. They represent the male and female energy in perfect balance. Trinity is actually the symbol of creation on Earth. With this metaphoric representation, the connectivity of all life, starts to make sense.
In fact, the sacred geometry became a priority reference for those studying the Flower of Life and the Merkaba.
You should read “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life”, by Drunvalo Melchizedek. It’s a book the explores the deep connection between the main elements of nature: air fire water earth and spirit.
* The water molecule has a tetrahedral shape, BTW.
About Physical Immortality
Leonard Orr (the author of Breaking the Death Habit: The Science of Everlasting Life) explains the technique and philosophy of how to transform body, mind and spirit. He’s emphasizing the benefits of bathing in relaxation:
“Where relaxation exists, disease has no place to settle…”
I thoroughly believe in this, because as shown in the message from water page: stress, anger and depression are the foundation of all diseases.
The 5 elements Air Fire Water Earth are present in many cultures of the world and one of the most popular is the Chinese Feng Shui theory. This philosophy makes us understand how every element in nature interacts with the others. By acting together as a whole, the five elements create and maintain life. BTW: have you seen “The Fifth Element” movie? 🙂