All the special properties of water make this liquid not only different than any other liquids, but crucial to our health and life. But there are still more mysteries about water, yet to be discovered and it’s all related about the water structure. What are the Special Properties of Water Surface tension Water has the Highest Surface Tension of all common …
Negative Ions – Sometimes Negative is Good

Did you know that negative ions are affecting our health every day? If you thought that negative is bad, this is the exception that confirms the rule 🙂 You most certainly have noticed how you felt tired and stressed in a confined environment, and even more so when there are too many people in sharing the …
Message from Water

A very important message from water has been sent to us in this new millennium. It is a message of love, and wisdom, sent to us from the depths of the universe to recall that the human being and water have been unified in a magical alliance from the time of creation. Masaru Emoto’s Message from …
Air Fire Water Earth

Air Fire Water Earth are four elements that compose all things – states the ancient Greek philosophy… By noticing the balance of the four classical elements we discover the realm of human life… While the fire element stands for the sun and all electric fields around us, Water is the magnet that attracts and receives …
Water structure is the key to our existence

Let’s start with the beginning: the water structure is simple: H2O = H – O – H This is how the water molecule appears in its liquid state. It results from the electromagnetic energies created between two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When these atoms of Oxygen and Hydrogen interchange their electrons in order to stick …
pH Balance in the Human Body

What is the pH balance in human body? Well, it is the right proportion of acidity and alkalinity that keep us healthy. Metaphorically speaking we can associate it with the Yin and Yang of Chinese philosophy – It’s all about the perpetual exchange between positive and negative – in this case, electromagnetic energies. ** We are electric …