The subject of the fluoride in drinking water has been debated for years. Yet, many people still think that drinking water with added fluoride is a great thing to do for their dental health. Since the mid-1940s, municipalities in the USA and Canada, started to add this product to the public water to prevent tooth …
Drinking Mineral Water Benefits – Myths and Reality

You may wonder if there are any health benefits from drinking mineral water… The answer is yes there are, but there are also some myths and marketing hypes around this subject. What is mineral water? You may know by now that water is the best solvent in nature – if not, read more about this …
Benefits of Water for Skin – Keep your Skin Hydrated to Look Beautiful

Wondering what are the benefits of water for skin? A dermatologist told me that the skin’s health is just the reflection of our internal health. This is very important to know, because our health is so much related to water, internally and externally. Our larger and more exposed organ, which is the skin, benefits from …
Home Water Purification Systems

Clean, healthful drinking water is essential. This, regardless the source: public distribution, underground or surface. Unfortunately, the water we drink today, contains more substances than originally did. Sad to say, but the water is now subject to endless amounts of pollutants. As if contamination from parasites was not enough, fluoride and chlorine are now present. …
Child Dehydration – Encouraging kids to drink water

Did you know that ignoring child dehydration can lead to a reduction in their mental and physical performance? But failure of drinking water can also increase children’s risk for a whole range of health problems. What are the health effects of child dehydration Some of them are: tooth decay, diabetes, nutritional deficiencies, childhood obesity, heart …
What is the Best Drinking Water?

The answer is simple: the best drinking water has to have the quality of clean fresh mountain spring water. Let’s say… pure water. Well, “pure” is actually just a term indicating high quality water – in nature water is never pure. As seen, one of its properties is solubility: water combined with the minerals from …