Water Activities for Kids

Water activities for kids

Water activities for kids are fun and health effective at all ages. An important factor in the area of child growth and development is maintaining a normal weight by developing healthy habits. But, as we all know, it is soooo hard to get these little computer jocks out off the sedentary mode created by computer games …

6 Health Benefits of Swimming for Kids you may not know about

Health benefits of swimming for kids

There are several health benefits of swimming and this activity has been proven to positively affect children’s health and their further development. For kids, swimming and feeling comfortable in water is almost as important as walking or doing land activities. It challenges them to deal with a new environment and many situations related to this. As much as I remember from my …

Water Therapy for Weight Loss

Lose weight with water

How to use water therapy for weight loss? Well, consider that it’s something quite fun and relatively easy: Drink a glass of water and Jump in the pool! That’s almost it 😉 I’m not kidding – but, seriously speaking: water can help you losing weight in two ways: Types of exercises To understand how water …

Water Nutrition Facts – What Not To Eat

Water Nutrition Facts

Disturbing but awakening water nutrition facts that challenge old diet patterns. The big fact is that most of the food we eat today is artificially produced, therefore almost completely deficient of nutrients but full of harmful ingredients – “Americans are sicker than ever” states Dr. Lynn Hardy, N.D. – Director of the Global Institute For …

Water Aerobics

Water Aerobics

Water aerobics are endurance type of exercises and if you do them on a regular basis, will help you lose weight, slow the aging effect, increase metabolism, or get muscle strength. Done typically in a group, it’s entertaining and you feel well and energized. It also offers a pleasant way to move your arms and …

Drinking Water to Lose Weight – Essential facts

Drinking Water to Lose Weight

Drinking water to lose weight is not only possible, but it’s the healthiest method to get fit, along with water therapy for weight loss Did you know that when you’re dehydrated and need to drink water, your body can trick you into thinking you’re hungry? This means that instead of depriving yourself with another extreme fat-free, carb-free, taste-free …